Confidence & Self-Esteem

Are confidence and self-esteem holding you back?

Do you wish you could put yourself forward or speak up for yourself more?

What if you had the confidence to face what life throws at you?

Confidence and self-esteem are crucial to our ability to make choices and live life the way we want. If you feel you’re missing opportunities and avoiding things you really want to do, then your confidence and / or self-esteem need some work.

Low confidence and self-esteem can be triggered by current or past events or it can have its roots in childhood. If you’re feeling stuck in negative thoughts and feelings it can hold you back in work, relationships or any area of life. Finding the right support can make a real difference.

Our levels of confidence and esteem can vary dramatically at different times and it’s rare to have consistently high levels due to the challenges of life. But it is possible to do something about it by adapting the way you see life and yourself, and learning how to pick yourself up when things go wrong. Not sure how this could work for you? Read on…

“My self esteem has increased significantly and I feel more able to be alone with myself. I have a greater sense of how my childhood relationships, losses and experiences impact my current life and have experienced a different way of relating to others.”

Vicki, Cardiff

Confidence and Self-Esteem

What’s The Difference?

They have a lot in common (and often work together) but there is a difference

Confidence usually relates to something we do in life (applying for a new job, passing our driving test) i.e “how confident do you feel about doing that?”. While self-esteem is more about how we feel about ourselves.

I can help by working with you to explore the thoughts and feelings keeping you stuck 

And help you uncover where they might be coming from. Understanding ’cause and effect’ helps us move away from seeing our thoughts as concrete facts. We all have ‘blind spots’ (often in the way we see ourselves) but that means we’re only getting part of the picture. Discovering your blind spots can help you make decisions based on a broader perspective and yes, feel differently about yourself.

How We’ll Work:-

1) Awareness:-
First we’ll look at your thoughts and feelings, seeing how they connect and where they come from.

2) Curiosity
Next we’ll look at other factors involved (the things you might have missed).

3) Self-Care
Then we’ll turn our attention to your relationship with yourself – the things you do just for you as well as how you see yourself. Starting to form new possibilities and perspectives.

4) Testing it Out
When you’re ready, we’ll look at ways you can start testing these beliefs (old and new). But don’t worry! We’ll go as gently as you need to. Even small changes make a real difference.

5) Review
Our last step is to look at the outcome – what you’ve learned, alongside your new self-care and wider perspective. Once you’ve practiced these steps a few times you’ll be able to apply them to future situations and low confidence and self-esteem won’t have the same power to hold you back.

If you’d like to find out more please download my free resource on confidence and self-esteem here. If you think this could be helpful to you and would like to discuss it further, please get in touch.


Photo Credits: Photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash | Photo by anna daniel on Unsplash | Photo by Roksolana Zasiadko on Unsplash